Thursday, October 21, 2010

playing catch-up

Alpaca Festival of Oregon video

  1. above is the video Eduard Schwan put together for the AFO. Awesome. (I thought I looked pregnant then. You should see me now!)
  2. Consuella had a little boy, also found in the field, dry and bouncing, on July 16th (I think). We're calling him "Krusty the Klown," and Lisa's baby "Mona Simpson" (Homer's mom).
  3. Sophie had surgery on her jaw for the infected tooth (lumpy jaw) that had plagued her since January. The surgery was a success and she no longer needs daily antibiotics! However, we discovered some sort of skin problem on a back foot that has been difficult to treat.
  4. We've bred four girls for 2011 babies. We haven't bred the maidens because the economy is soft and we are at alpaca capacity on our farm.
  5. My (human) baby is due any time now, which explains both the lag in posting on this blog and the future posting on this blog. I hope around the first of the year to get back on a regular posting schedule.
That's it from here!