Thursday, February 24, 2005

In the beginning...

...there were two people, Charles and Maren. They moved to Oregon after expelling themselves from the garden known as "Berkeley" to teach the youth to write essays and computer programs.

They bought thirteen acres. And it was good. They built a house. And that was good, too. Then they rested, and looked out on all this goodness and said unto themselves, "Wouldn't it be nice to have some little critters to take care of?"

And so began the quest.

They asked their parents who replied, "Oh, grandchildren would be great!"

They asked their dog-park friends who replied, "Oh, dogs are great!"

They asked their horse friends who replied, "Oh, horses are so great!"

But they were not satisfied.

One day their wanderings brought them to an alpaca show, so they went in.

The alpacas were covered in long, crimpy fiber. That was good. They were small and friendly. That was good, too. They hummed in a charming manner. That was very good. Then they went to a seminar on farm tax advantages. That was the clincher.

Two years, one barn and 2,000 feet of fence later, Charles and Maren had four alpacas.

And it was good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
